Tami’s Style #12 “Amethyst Jewels”

We continue this week with our exploration of using french manicure tapes in different ways.  Spring always puts me in the mood of experimenting with bolder splashes of colors and this week’s style is inspired by one of my favorites – purple!

For this style, we’re using “Who’s Spinning Tonight” from OPI for Sephora and an unbranded silver sparkle polish I had bought from a street vendor in Taiwan a couple years ago.  We’re also using silver and purple rhinestones in both 2.0 and 1.5 mm and gold ball fillers.

First, put one 2 coats of our base color 0 “Who’s Spinning Tonight.”

Next, create crescent “tops” with the silver polish.  You can do this with the guidance of using french manicure stickers.  But since we’ll be covering the borders with rhinestones, I’m going freehand.  (NOTE: if you’re using french manicure stickers, make sure the base coat is completely dry before you even attempt to put the stickers on! Otherwise, you’ll be finding yourselves starting all over.)

You may find it hard to stay off the cuticles when doing this since the “crescent” is on the inside of the nailbed.  Don’t fret!  You can easily clean the polish off the cuticles by dipping an old makeup brush in nailpolish remover to remove the extra polish from skin.

Next, line the borders of each nail with purple and silver rhinestones.  Use one 2.0 mm rhinestone (switch off between purple and silver between nails) as a focal point on each nail near the center and cover the rest of the border with the 1.5 mm rhinestones and gold ball fillers.

And you’re all done!  Like us on facebook to keep updated on all our weekly posts! http://www.facebook.com/justnailitFB

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